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Worried about Climate Change generally and the Environment in Sunderland and beyond?


Then you're in the right place!

Because together WE CAN all do something through our choices and actions.

Together, here's what  WE CAN DO

Tackling what is a global issue is a daunting task but DON'T DESPAIR as there are many small inexpensive things WE CAN DO together which if we all work at it will make a significant impact on environmental preservation and living sustainability. There are lots of things relating to our energy use, how we get about, what we eat, where we put our money which all have a huge impact on the climate which we explore here                                 but

here's a starter for 10:


Buying and consuming less reduces waste and promotes responsible consumption, leading to better, more sustainable, lifestyle choices.


We encourage creative reuse of materials, upcycling, and finding innovative ways to extend the life cycle of products, contributing to a circular economy.


Through recycling, waste can be transformed into valuable resources. We aim to promote recycling and an awareness of recycling opportunities.

glass for recycling
robot made of recycled parts
newspapers for recycling

But there's much more to 'what WE CAN DO'

Click here :                             and take a look at our what WE CAN DO page

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